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Ranked 1st in the KSI Environmental Appliances

On 21st July, ChungHo Nais was selected as the no.1 in the Sustainability Index (KSI) environmental appliances category at the 2019 Korea Sustainability Conference on 18 March.

KSI, sponsored by the Korea Standards Association and sponsored by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Energy and the Joint Growth Committee, evaluates corporate sustainability based on iso 26000, an international standard for social responsibility, and selects the best companies by industry and evaluation area.

This year, 46 industries in Korea, 196 companies and public institutions were selected as the no.1 companies in each sector through stakeholders and experts such as consumers, communities, and partners. Cheonghonais received high marks in the categories “Prevention of Environmental Pollution, “Increased Safety Requirements for Product Services,” “Diversification of Customer Demand,” and “Job Creation”.

“ChungHo Nais is a comprehensive living environment consumer electronics company, and we are committed to impressing our customers with the best technology and fast and systematic service, and we will continue to strive to be a company that creates sustainable value for customers’ healthy living and clean environment.”

More about Chungho Nais : Read here

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